Emerald Fire Restoration

Partners: US Forest Service and AT&T
Funds Granted: $10,000
In October 2016, a quickly moving fire erupted on a hillside near Emerald Bay. Dubbed the Emerald Fire, it burned 196 acres and destroyed more than 85% of the trees in the area. The fire has left a scar across the landscape and changed the habitat for the birds living in the area.
Thanks to a grant from AT&T, the Tahoe Fund is working with the US Forest Service to jump-start the process of regrowth in the area. In April 2018, a crew planted 15,000 new seedlings on 50 acres of the burn area. The seedlings were a mix of Jeffrey Pine, Incense Cedar and Sugar Pine. The Forest Service expects a mortality rate of 40% due to the area’s slope, rocky soil and southern exposure.
The growth rate of trees in Tahoe tends to be fairly quick in forest terms. Look to see a noticeable difference from the trees planted now in the next 5-10 years.